Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 – daily report : Task 4 & podiums


A rollercoaster competition The Paragliding World Cup in El Yelmo started spectacularly with some of the biggest tasks ever undertaken....

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Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 : important update


Hello pilots, In light of the recent events in the Yelmo Paragliding World Cup, we are facing a very delicate...

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Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 – daily report : Task 2


All About a Good Line El Yelmo is showing us once again its best side. With a high cloud base...

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Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 – daily report : Task 1


Epic Start to the Paragliding World Cup in Spain! The competition in Spain began with high expectations for the first...

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Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 : press release


We’re just three days away from the start of the Paragliding World Cup in Yelmo, Spain, where some of the...

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Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – Summary & Podiums


Congratulations to the winners Overall, Julien Wirtz claimed victory in the Competition, followed by Juan Ospina and Christian Maurer in...

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Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – daily report : Task 5


A Spectacular Last Task Once again, Switzerland blessed us with premium conditions for the final Task of the Paragliding World...

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Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – daily report : Task 4


Breathtaking Views on Task 4 Today marked our first ascent to Grindelwald, greeted by sunshine and clear blue skies. The...

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Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – daily report : Task 3


A tight race between Arthur Moindrot and Juan OspinaAfter three days without flying a task, the weather significantly improved for...

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Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – daily report : Task 1


Swiss Pilot Fabrice Thiébaud wins the first Task in Switzerland The day commenced on an unpromising note, with rain and...

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