Paragliding World Cup Switzerland, 2024 – daily report : Task 3
- May 09 2024

A tight race between Arthur Moindrot and Juan Ospina
After three days without flying a task, the weather significantly improved for Task 3. The cloudbase remained at about 1900m, but thermals were much stronger than on the previous days, and a fast 62.8km task was expected.
Following the start at 14:00h, the pilots first had to navigate a small zigzag course before following the long ridge to tag TurnPoint 5, then flying back to the west before finally returning to Interlaken. A group quickly formed at the beginning, flying less conservatively, taking the risk of a more direct line and making it difficult for others to catch up. Arthur Moindrot and Juan Ospina pushed ahead, leading throughout the task and arriving side by side, about 1 minute ahead of the others, at the end of the speed section.
Arthur secured the win, marking his first-ever Paragliding World Cup Task Victory. In the women’s category, Celine Lorenz emerged as the winner, also securing her first World Cup victory, closely followed by Violeta Jimenez, who was less than 1 point behind Celine.
Overall, it was a highly successful task with 123 out of 126 pilots reaching the goal. Pilots were treated to a dinner at the headquarters, directly adjacent to the famous Höhenmatte in the center of Interlaken, allowing them to enjoy the evening in perfect weather. A BBQ provided a great way to conclude this amazing day.

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