Paragliding World Cup Spain, Yelmo, 2024 – daily report : Task 2
- Jun 25 2024

All About a Good Line
El Yelmo is showing us once again its best side. With a high cloud base over 3000m, a light northwest wind, and strong thermals, another big task was in order. This time, it was a 115km task: first leading north, then crossing west before coming back over a 70km long leg to the third turnpoint east, which opened up different options! After the long leg of the task, there were two more turnpoints close to the takeoff before heading to goal in the valley. The window opened at 12:30, and the start was set for 14:00.
“The wind in the flatlands on the second leg towards the west was quite strong, which slowed the task down a bit, but we managed to take a good line and arrived at the strongest thermal of the day with about 4m/s integrated. Coming back from that turnpoint was fun! We flew at 75km/h and arrived at the third turnpoint super fast!” one pilot told us. This was also the moment when different options started opening up, making the race more tactical and difficult – it was all about having a good line! Arriving at the goal was easier, thanks to a big confluence.
Andy Tallia secured the task win, followed by Chignon Won and Christoph Dunkel. Marcella Uchoa was able to take the women’s win today.

photo credit Daniel Crespo