Paragliding World Cup France,
Gourdon, 2024

Local time:

Registration deadline: 25.05.2024


photos Albou Gérald



Comp. Overall

Task 1

  • Overall
  • Women
  • Teams

Pilot Information

Two main sites


We have authorization from Groudon town hall for the parking of camper vans next to our Gourdon HQ, morning meeting places and shuttle departure points. (there are two water points and toilets provided near this area).

Saturday August 24, 2024

  • Official training day. Transport to takefoff provided. Retrieve from main landing zone provided. (No official task set, no lunch basket ) .
  • 16h00–18h30 — Official Registration Gourdon HQ
  • 1900 Safety and Race Briefing Gourdon HQ


Sunday August 25 – Saturday August 31

  • Contest flying days
  • After flying, lounge-drink-musique 18h /20h Gourdon HQ

Saturday august 31

  • 19h00—Prize Giving Gourdon HQ
  • Closing Ceremonies
  • BBQ for pilots, family, and friends
  • Musique !


Main landings are listed in the waypoints file
A : Official Landing Spots : A01 (Valettes), A02 (Abeilles) etc.
X : Emergency Landing Spots :

Non official, use for emergency
Special case : X03016-PT-LOUP (called “Les Poules”)
Any landing between Gourdon village and the official Valettes LZ is forbidden

A01014-VALETTES EAST /SE (Valley Breeze)
if landing simultaneously keep away from the river side of the field
(stay on the road side)

A09071 is the only Official LZ in SAINT-VALLIER
any landing in the big field (“Grand pré”) in the centre of the village or in the
sports field East of the village is forbidden (penalty)




Between Gréolières and Pont du Loup, the Loup
Valley is crossed by two power lines at 900m AMSL.
If you come back from Gréolières, ensure you cross them with a good enough margin to be
within reach of the fields on the plateau of Courmes.

X04118 Natural Reserve of the Monts d’Azur
(wild animals) FORBIDDEN (penalty)


Unless an exemption from the DGAC is mentioned in the morning
TMA NICE 13 FL 65 : 1980m
TMA NICE 12 FL 95 : 2900m
R2836/23 Calern Observatory GND-1710m AMSL
Grasse Prison : GND-1110m AMSL

Welcome to all participants, for the smooth running of the event and the sustainability of the site, please beware of the following information:

  • The Gourdon site and the Loup valley have for decades enabled the successful holding of competitions and performance flights. This is only possible thanks to a courteous relationship between the free flight community and locals.
  • Respect local residents and land owners. Be courteous and apologize in case of landing on private land.
  • Drive carefully on local roads particularly on the
  • Embarnier takeoff access runway.
  • Use carpooling to minimize traffic.
  • Use and respect the official parking areas (Valettes LZ).
  • Do not leave any waste (penilex, papers, etc.)
  • Respect the volunteers and members of the organization. Beware of starting fires! Do not smoke on the take-off area.

See the file LOCAL RULES

We have authorization from Groudon town hall for the parking of camper vans next to our Gourdon HQ, morning meeting places and shuttle departure points. (there are two water points and toilets provided near this area).

Interesting rates at the Rives du Loup Campsite.

Pre-booking is strongly adviced to secure your accomodation for at Headquarters Camping Les Rives du Loup from the Satuday 24th of August to the Sunday 1st of September.

Pre-book here: 
Paragliding World Cup France, Gourdon, 2024 (

It is the place chosen by the organizer as Head Quarters, as well as where the federal team will be staying.

You will find a list of accommodation in the Gourdon area, here. :
Se loger à Gourdon | Gourdon – Alpes Maritimes (

Hébergements Touristiques – Site officiel de la mairie du Bar sur Loup (

No supermarket or bakery in Gourdon. However, the shopkeepers of the village will be delighted to welcome you: restaurant or take away, crafts and local products.

Nearest supermarket: Casino in Le Rouret. Bakery in Châteauneuf-Grasse or Caussols

Information will be published soon

Selection list

SEE YOU IN Gourdon

Daniel Dimov


Ivan Lukanov

Safety & Retrieve Manager

Anna Berger

Social Media Manager

Goran Dimishkovski

Event manager


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