2024 Swiss Pre World Cup - Disentis

PWCA Observer: 

Status: provisional



Location: Disentis, Switzerland
Organizer: Swiss League and the local Club “Surselva Flaigers”
Meet Director: Martin Scheel, martin@azoom.ch, 079 44 55 163
Scorer: Jörg Ewald
Transport: Cable Car
Retrieve: Public transport (free)
The Disentis Open 2024 is a “normal” Open, with very informative task- and debriefings. It is an “FAI Cat. 2” event, which gives the pilots points in the world rankings. 
Invitation to tender (Event page)
Disentis is one of the best flying areas in the world for paragliding competitions. So it is only natural that the paragliding scene organises a regular international event together with the cable cars and other partners. 
The area benefits from a small but significant added value in summer, the tourists from the high visibility of the impressive paragliding gruoupes and the paragliding scene from the location. 
Pilots and media presence carry the name and beauty of Disentis out into the world.

Swiss Open Disentis (CIVL Cat. 2)

5.-10.8.2023 (official Training Day 4.8.)
Registration Sunday, 4.8., 17-20h, Monday 8-9h,
Opening Ceremony Sunday, 4.8., 19h, General Briefing 20:30 h
Competition Days 5.-10.8.2023 (6 possible tasks)
Meteo-Infos and decision on delaying and carrying out: Infos start on 1.8. (evening), latest decision on carrying out 2 days before the planned start.
Price Giving Ceremony as soon as possible after last Task

Registation fee: CHF 290.-
– Free entry for pilots on WPRS < 50 (ranking 2024-05-01)
– Swiss Pilots:without Halbtax/Demi Prix + CHF 20

– Registration deadline 7.5.2024
– First selection round 10.5.2024
– WPRS ranking 2023-05-01
– 70 of max. 125 places are reserved for Swiss pilots
– Payment deadline 20.5.2023
– Payment deadline for second round: 30.5.
Remaining free places:
– Free registration up to the maximum number of participants

Cancellation of a Registration (PWCA-rule A.1.2):
1. Pilots who want to cancel their registration should do it as soon as possible.
2. A pilot who cancels at least 45 days before the event can ask for a refund of the entry fee (an administrative fee of €20 will be deducted).
3. Cancellations received less than 45 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the entry fee.
4. Cancellations received less than 2 weeks before the event will not be refunded.
5. In the case of injury, and where a medical certificate is supplied, or other circumstances beyond the pilot’s control refunds will be decided on a case-by case basis.
6. If a cancellation is less than 7 days before the event, then CHF / € 100 is not refundable under any circumstances.

Cancellation of the Event
75% of the entry fee will be refunded to the pilot.

Local RegulationsSwiss Sporting RulesRules PWCA (GPS), CIVL (general)

Scoring Categories:
Swiss only (Swiss Championship)
Swiss Female only (Swiss Female Championship)
Sport (only Swiss, up to EN-C)
Juniors (only Swiss, < 26)


http://www.disentis-open.ch (Accommodation, detailed programme, alternative programme etc.)
Registration: https://www.swissleague.ch/
List of documents to provide at registration (foreign pilots only)

FAI sporting licence
Pilot’sNational licence
Insurance Third party liability
Services included in the entry fee:

Medals for the ranks 1-3 (Ranking Switzerland)

Material prizes (Open ranking)
T-Shirts (only for pilots registred prior to 7.5.2023)
Extensive meteo-briefings
Very informative task-briefings
Printed A3 Map with take-offs, turnpoints, landings, restricted areas 
Turnpoints files
Water on take-off
Toilets on take-off
Transport to take-off 
Retrieve (free public transport)
Free data sim card for international Pilots
Free internet (Wi-Fi) access at the HQ and up to Take Off
Free coffee and croissant at the daily Briefing
Opening ceremony
Closing ceremony


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