13th Paragliding World Cup Super Final (2023 Season) Baixo Guandu, Brazil :  March 5th – 16th 2024 : Task 7

  • Jul 03 2024

Another day of tricky launch conditions, with the wind primarily from the west again, with pilots using the entire 1.5 hour window to launch.

An 89k task was called, with the start cylinder about 5.5k from launch with the optimal point to the northeast. After the first turnpoint, just short of the river, pilots had a long leg to the southwest. The lead gaggle opted for a line that took them over the east side of the launch hill, with others taking the more direct line which took them over the ridge on the west side of launch.

After tagging the second turnpoint the field split, with the bulk of the gaggle taking a more southerly line and the rest taking a more direct line further north. The southerly line was faster, but riskier, with pilots getting low and landing all along the route.

The final turnpoint was far to the west, with a final glide back to the east to the airport goal. The long glide to that last turnpoint and back to the east turned out to be tricky as well, with some pilots getting low and landing, as the thermals were getting weaker as the day went on.

Today spread the field out more than previous days, and in the end only 57 pilots made goal. One more day left!

Photo by Hugo Casimiro

The overall winners are:
1.Baptiste Lambert
2.Julien Wirtz
3.Matt Henzi

The top 3 women are:
1.Meryl Delferriere
2.Alexia Fischer
3.Constance Mettetal

The top 3 teams are:
2.Niviuk 1
3.Alas Del Hombre

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