13th Paragliding World Cup Super Final (2023 Season) Baixo Guandu, Brazil :  March 5th – 16th 2024 : Task 4

  • Jul 03 2024

Challenging launch conditions today caused the start time to be pushed back twice. The wind was often from the back, with occasional periods of either no wind or a light side wind. Pilots started taking off 1.5 hours before the start just to avoid getting stuck.

A 92.6k task was called that would take pilots several kilometers away from launch for an entry start, then back across start to the high terrain to the right, then back to launch, and then towards town and then a final leg to the goal at Trevo Assarai.

Overcast skies and weak thermals had pilots struggling from the start. Most flew conservatively and stayed together, hoping for conditions to improve, but no improvement came. Most pilots gave up the fight around the 3rd turnpoint, with 5 pilots hanging on to break the 50k mark before landing.

The overall winners are:

  1. Sebastian Ospina
  2. Julien Wirtz
  3. Honorin Hamard

The top 3 women are:

  1. Meryl Delferriere
  2. Alexia Fischer
  3. Constance Mettetal

The top 3 teams are:

  1. Ozone
  2. Niviuk 1
  3. Chinese Taipei Gliding Sport Association

Photo by Hugo Casmira

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