2024 US Pre World Cup - Woodrat Mt

PWCA Observer: 

Status: provisional



Here’s the link for more information and to register:

Dan Wells
Applegate Open 2024

The Open Race
The Open Race is a Category 2 USHPA and FAI sanctioned competition with a target of 70 pilots allowed. Pilots competing will be eligible for NTSS and SRS points. Tasks will be cross country speed runs from the start to a goal with or without intermediate turn points. Single or multiple start gates may be used. Tasks for the Open Race will be called with an expected flight time for the fastest start racer to be a minimum of 1.5 hours.

Pilot requirements:
Pilots in the Open race must be current USHPA members with minimum rating of P3 or international equivalent. SIV course completion recommended but not required. Temporary USHPA memberships for foreign pilots will be available at registration.

Equipment requirements:
-The Open race is limited to gliders rated EN C, D, and CCC.
-Only certified gliders are allowed in the race.
-Pilots must have a reserve parachute that has been repacked within the previous 12 months.
-Pilots must have SPOT or INReach Satellite trackers with functioning tracking capability.
-Pilots must have a working cell phone with a U.S. carrier
-See local rules for any additional requirements.

Trophies will be awarded for:
-First through third place overall
-First through third place women’s overall
-First through third place in D Class
-First through third place in C Class

Awards will also be given for:
– Reynolds Class
-Master’s Class

Pilots that meet the Sprint equipment requirements may switch to the Sprint Race after the practice day but before the start of the competition. The scorers must be notified. No switching after the first completion task is completed.
Pilot lunches will not be included in the registration fee.

Sprint Race
The Sprint race is not a USHPA sanctioned race but will follow USHPA sanctioning guidelines with a target of 70 pilots allowed but might be reduced depending on Open Race registrations. Pilots will not be eligible for NTSS points.
Tasks will be cross country speed runs from the start to a goal with or without intermediate turn points. Single or multiple start gates may be used. Tasks for the Sprint Race will be called with an expected flight time for the fastest start racer to be a minimum of 1.25 hours.

Pilot requirements:
Pilots in the Sprint race must be current USHPA members with minimum rating of P3 or international equivalent. SIV course completion recommended but not required. Temporary USHPA memberships for foreign pilots will be available at registration.

Equipment requirements:
-The Sprint race is limited to gliders rated EN B, and C.
-Only certified gliders are allowed in the race.
-Pilots must have a reserve parachute that has been repacked within the previous 12 months.
-Pilots must have SPOT or INReach Satellite trackers with functioning tracking capability.
-Pilots must have a working cell phone with a U.S. carrier
-See local rules for any additional requirements.

Trophies will be awarded for:
-First through third place overall
-First through third place women’s overall

Awards will also be given for:
-Reynolds Class
-Master’s Class

If slots are available, pilots that meet the Open Race equipment requirements may switch to the Open Race after the practice day but before the start of the competition. The scorers must be notified. No switching after the first completion task is completed.
Pilot lunches will not be included in the registration fee.

Click here to apply



Local website : https://wingsoverapplegate.org/


Note that we’ve pushed back our start this year to allow pilots competing in the Chelan event two travel days to arrive at Woodrat Mt. relaxed and ready to fly.

Monday afternoon July 1, 2024: Pilot registration/sign in at Wells Land Vineyard HQ
Tuesday-Monday July 2-8:  Practice and comp days

Here’s the link for more information and to register:

Monday afternoon July 1, 2024: Pilot registration/sign in at Wells Land Vineyard HQ
Tuesday-Monday July 2-8: Practice and comp days

Wells Land Camping
  $25 per night per tent. Call Garon for details 541-890-7829
Hart-Tish campground 20 minute drive from Wells Land HQ. Click the link for details.  Email Glenn at applegatelake@gmail.com  to reserve.  Glenn is holding a limited number of FREE spots for volunteers.  Call 480 628-4570 for details.
Cozy private room and bath in house.
Jackson Campground
Jackson Campground  15 minutes from HQ on the Upper Applegate road.  Click the link for details.
A public camping ground and park near the Applegate River.
Special rates availabel through the Applegate Open in the group camping area
Details closer to the event date.
A pilot hostel offering camping and bunk beds.
Camping and rooms. email Christina at woodratcrashpad@gmail.com, or through the Crash Pad Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/woodratcrashpad
Appleseed Cottage
Charming cottage with double bed next to the Applegate store.  AC, fridge, microwave, cable tv. $80/night. Call Patty at 541 951-4745
Local pilots offering lodging at great rates
 Airbnb rentals
Hotels in Medford and surrounding area


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