2024 South African Pre World Cup - Porterville
- 14.12 - 21.12.2024
- Porterville, South Africa
- TYPE PWCA Class 1 - Pre World Cup Tour
- SEASON 2024
PWCA Observer:
Status: Provisional
Sybe Bakker
General Organisation
Tracking Officer
+27 73 034 5465
Porterville located in the South West of South Africa, in about 90 km from the Atlantic ocean, and 120 km North East of Cape Town. It offers a nice mixture of thermal and dynamic flying, offering big distance flights possible on the ridge and in the flats.
The town itself is situated in the vast Swartland valley stretching West, South and North. On the East it is bordered by the Winterhoek Mountain chain, that serves the natual barrier form Atlantic winds passing into the center of the country, known as the Karoo.
Pampoenfontein is the most commonly used take off site in and around Porterville.
It is the safer take off in anything south of west.
It is higher and faces more directly into the prevailing thermic cross-wind.
The latest record was beaten by Wim Verhoeve in January 2016. (Western Cape Record).
Take off Leuwenkop (also known as Pampoenfontein) – S32º55.616’ E19º02.235’, 800m (ASL).
Winds: W – SSW, thermic SE days.
Take off is a netted area in the fynbos. Top landing is possible.
Landing: Field in front of Take Off.
– It can be more cross and stronger than it seems on take-off.
– In summer, experienced guidance is highly recommended.
– It is not a beginner site.
– Drive North out of town.
– Turn right onto the dirt road sign posted “Dasklip Pass” after about 5km.
– Drive up the pass and around the back.
– After 5km take the track to the right.
– Park in the clearing and walk to take off.
Info source: http://www.flyporterville.info/
Also you can find some useful flying tips here. and in XCmag guide.
Registration and and Prize giving Schedule
Friday 13th and Saturday 14th Dec
16:00 – 19:00 – Registration on both days
Saturday 14th Dec
09:00 – Practice day
18:00 – Competition Briefing
Venue: Flyer’s Lodge
Saturday , 21st Dec 2024
18:00 – Scoring Closes
19:00 – Closing Ceremony/Prize Giving
Venue: TBC
Daily Schedule
(pilots will be notified if times change)
08:00 – Transport leaves the meet centre for take-off.
10:00 – Task briefing
11:00 – Window opens
12:00 – Race starts
16:00 – Land by time/Scoring Opens
19:00 – Scoring closes
21:00 – Provisional Results
As many local pilots arrange their own recovery, we are introducing an option for pilots to use either the competition recovery, or their own. This way the organization can arrange for more efficient logistical infrastructure.
Competition Entry Fee, Recovery included:
Normal Registration: (Payment before 1st October 2024): ZAR 4 900 (+- 240 Euro, $260)
Late Registration (Payment after 1st October 2024): ZAR 5 700 (+- 280 Euro, $300)
Competition Entry Fee, Recovery excluded:
Normal Registration: (Payment before 1st October 2024): ZAR 4 200 (+- 200 Euro, $225)
Late Registration (Payment after 1st October 2024): ZAR 5 000 (+- 245 Euro, $210)
Payments can be made to
Standard bank
George 050214
Account 10149317342
Payment can be made via Payfast (South Afr version of Paypal , totally secured) Herewith link for payment
Payment link fo payfast for payment before 1st October 2024 with full recovery
Payment link fo payfast for payment before 1st October 2024 without recovery
A minimum of 45 places will be allocated to international pilots (until 1st October 2024)
The Selection will be based on a first paid, first confirmed basis.
Pilot Requirements:
Valid FAI Sporting License
Valid SAHPA License (International pilots can register and apply online for a Foreign Pilot Permit valid for 60 days here)
Medical Insurance
Equipment Requirements:
Glider Classification: EN, CCC, Open (see restrictions under prizes section)
Certified Harness
2m radio
Livetracking application installed on smart-phone for live tracking (or GPS with livetracking). Details will be confirmed later
If using a phone to Livetrack, bring along an external battery pack to ensure your phone battery lasts for the whole task, as well as local sim card. (Vodacom is best for area coverage).
Telegram application installed on smart-phone for competition communication and recovery assistance. Telegram app
Included in competition fee:
Transportation to take-off (if using official transportation option)
Recovery (if using official transportation option)
Map with waypoints
Live tracking (limited)